By virtue of my participation in a weightlifting program in Canada, I acknowledge that I understand the nature of the activity and that I and / or my minor child is qualified, in good health and in good physical condition to participate in such a program. activity.
I fully understand that weightlifting carries the risk of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, and that these risks and others can be caused by my own actions or inactions, those of other participants to the event, the conditions under which the event takes place, or the neglect of the Communiqués named below, and that there may be other risks not known or not foreseen at this time and I accept and assume fully all of these risks and all liability for loss, cost and damage that I may incur as a result of my participation in the activity.

I hereby release, discharge and undertake not to pursue the Beyond Lifting organization, their administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers and respective employees and any sponsor and advertiser of any event sanctioned by the Beyond Lifting organization to which I participates (each considered as one of the press releases below) of any responsibility, claim, request, loss or damage to my account caused or presumed to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Press Releases. This disclaimer, the exemption from liability and the express acceptance of the risk agreement do not apply to any liability, claims, claims, loss or damage resulting from gross negligence or willful, willful or willful misconduct rejections. If I or any person of my name and / or my minor child presents a claim against one of the receipts, I will indemnify, defend, safeguard and release each of the receipts from any loss, responsibility, damage or cost that may result the result of such a claim. I acknowledge having read this press release, waive responsibility and express acceptance of the risk and fully understand it.

I, potential or current member of the organization Beyond Lifting, agree to abide by and be bound by the Canadian weightlifting rules, the operating rules, the code of conduct and the applicable competition rules and rules, policies and sport safety procedures promulgated by the Beyond Lifting organization as it may be changed from time to time. I agree to be subject to Canadian jurisdiction for ethics and safety in sport and accept that all sanctions imposed by the Canadian Center extend to my participation in all weightlifting events or activities of the federation and may be publicly displayed and include information regarding misconduct.

I understand and accept that the IWF anti-doping policy and the protocol of the Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport (CCES) apply to me and that it is my responsibility to comply with these rules. I agree to submit to a doping test and I understand that the use of methods or substances prohibited by the applicable anti-doping rules would make me liable to penalties including, but not limited to, disqualification and suspension. If it is determined that I have committed a doping violation, I agree to submit to the CCES Results Management Authority, including arbitration under the CCES Protocol, or to the Management Authority results from the IWF and / or my national federation, if referred by the CCES.