
Beyond Lifting

Olympic Weightlifting for all sports and athletes

Weightlifting is made of two movements: the clean and jerk and the snatch. The goal is to lift as much weight as possible in the appropriate weight category for each movement to obtain the highest total weight lifted possible.

The practice of weightlifting as a training method for a sport allows the athlete to develop his power, strength, endurance, flexibility and mobility with high efficiency and precision.

The practice of weightlifting can be wrongly seen as dangerous for the athlete, which is totally wrong. A study of sport-related injuries in Quebec shows that weightlifting is one of the sports with the least trauma, 3%. Handball, hockey or gymnastics represent respectively 31%, 20% and 9% of injuries*.

* Analysis of injuries and illnesses suffered during the provincial finals of the 1993 Quebec Games
Develop and support athletes while strictly adhering to the anti-doping rules set by the WADA, the CCES and the USADA.
Athlete testedType of sampleTest resultDay of sample
Rosalie Dumas Urine Negative2022/02/21
Brayan Ibanez Guerrero Urine Negative2022/02/21
Rosalie Dumas Urine Negative2022/02/27
Rosalie Dumas Urine Negative2022/03/25
Last 4 anti-doping tests performed. Click to see more
Tournoi jeunes Louis-Cyr2024/04/06Damien Persico3635.36435699
Tournoi jeunes Louis-Cyr2024/04/06Emily Ibanez-Guerrero6463.0085110195
World Cup2024/03/31Rosalie Dumas8180.481060106
Panamerican senior championship2024/02/27Rosalie Dumas8180.80104125229
Jeux de Montréal2024/02/03Daniela Millin4543.60384785
Jeux de Montréal2024/02/03Emily Ibanez-Guerrero6462.3080105185
Jeux de Montréal2024/02/03Mirko Persico3635.80354883
Jeux de Montréal2024/02/03Damien Persico3633.00435396
Jeux de Montréal2024/02/03Sasha Millin5555.005875133
Championnat junior sub-15/sub-17/junior d'Espagne2023/12/17Brayan Ibanez-Guerrero8180.90140151291
Last 10 competition entries. Click to see more

Emily Ibanez-Guerrero

U13 | -64 kg
S 85 - CJ 110 - T 195

Rosalie Dumas

SNR | -81 kg
S 109 - CJ 130 - T 238

Damien Persico

U13 | -45 kg
S 43 - CJ 56 - T 99

Brayan Ibanez-Guerrero

JNR | -81 kg
S 150 - CJ 176 - T 322

Quentin Patault

SNR | -81 kg
S 128 - CJ 164 - T 285

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