Results Guerriers pre-open
Team NOMTOTALRANGWOD1 ScoreWOD1 ResultsWOD1 PointsWOD2 ScoreWOD2 ResultsWOD2 PointsWOD3 ScoreWOD3 ResultsWOD3 PointsWOD4 ScoreWOD4 ResultsWOD4 Points Iron snowflakes Annie & Elaina37523.0402951602952494852601100 Just average Martin & Paul39013.60011002051100262295250295 Karine & Wilson35542.7614851324852651100176485 Les souffrances Laurence & France32052.25058076580193580107580 Les Guerriers barbus Benoit & Karim36032.999390147390250390179390 Lison Charier37522.20729599390205110092390 Myriam Dupont35531.70248579485198390113295 Lénaic Capelle35532.12439010529519648589485 Alex Montilla39512.724110011611002042951351100 Individual NOMTOTALRANGWOD1 ScoreWOD1 ResultsWOD1 PointsWOD2 ScoreWOD2 ResultsWOD2 PointsWOD3 ScoreWOD3 ResultsWOD3 PointsWOD4 ScoreWOD4 ResultsWOD4 Points …
Monterrey’s Christmas Cup showcases top canadian weightlifting talent
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisResults | Photos/Videos | Official results The Christmas Cup, held in Monterrey, Mexico from December 16th to 18th, was a highly successful event for the athletes and coaches who participated. Organized by the Weightlifting Association of the state of Nuevo Leon in conjunction with the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of …
The youth team left for Monterrey
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisThe Guerriers Beyond Lifting youth team left Canada yesterday for Monterrey, Mexico to compete in the Christmas Cup. The competition, organized by the Weightlifting Association of the state of Nuevo Leon in conjunction with the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Nuevo Leon, will take place on December 16, 17 and …
5 records broken at the Louis-Cyr tournament
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisResults | Photos/Videos | Official results In our previous post, we announced the objectives for this Louis-Cyr Tournament/QC Junior Championship. Today, we are pleased to reveal those who have been reached! Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello, 12 yo, is at her 38th competition with our club. She was eight (8) years old when she started …
Nine young athletes will compete at the Louis-Cyr/Junior Tournament in QC
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisCheck the results! On December 3, it’s a big team that will leave for Lachute for the Louis-Cyr tournament and the championship Quebec Junior with our coach Abigail Guerrero, @coachabigail. List of athletes for the Louis-Cyr tournament: Damien Persico | -45 kg / 11 years | 30/37/67 Mirko Persico | -45 kg / …
Rosalie Dumas, championne du Québec !
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishOn vous avez dis de faire attention ! Les rageux critiqueront toujours mais les chiffres ne mentent jamais ! Rosalie accompagné de notre entraîneur Abigail Guerrero est devenu samedi 5 octobre championne du Québec des moins de 81 kg avec un total de 225 kg au championnat senior du Québec ! Elle a …
Des maîtres toujours aussi fascinant !
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishPhotos | Résultats | Hommes | Femmes | Maîtres Vendredi soir et ce matin, nos maîtres ont compétitionnés dans le cadre du championnat maître du Québe à Sherbrooke. Compétition organisée par le club Atlas, celle-ci a commencé un peu plus tard que prévu samedi car les clés manquaient à l’appel pour ouvrir le …
L’art d’exploser les attentes !
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishRésultats | Résultats officiels Nous avions une photographe professionelle, Nikkie Quero, pour l’occasion, vous pouvez vous procurez les photos sur son site : Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Beaucoup d’athlètes l’attendaient, finalement la deuxième édition du Circuit de performance sanctionnée par la Fédération d’Haltérophilie du Québec (FHQ) a eu lieu. Nous …
Re-watch the 2nd edition of the performance circuit
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EventÉvénementResultsRésultatsNews Mar. 14, 2023 New IWF weigh-in procedureFeb. 26, 2023 Become a Beyond Lifting athleteJan. 22, 2023 Guerriers Beyond Lifting club investing in the future of its athletes with new equipmentDec. 16, 2022 PARIS 2024 – Horaires, lieu et tarifs disponibles !Nov. 06, 2022 Invited by the weightlifting association of the state of …