New IWF weigh-in procedure

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisIWF TCRR 2022 regulation 6.4 10 : “Athletes must be weighed in undergarments (articles of the athlete outfit: costume, unitard, shorts and T-shirt are not considered as undergarments). Athletes must not wear shoes or socks or any other footwear during weigh-in.” Male athletes are required to cover their bottom and female athletes are …

Become a Beyond Lifting athlete

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.Subscribe today !Learn MoreEnglishFrançaisAre you looking for a new challenge in your fitness journey? Look no further than Beyond Lifting’s weightlifting program, accessible online on all devices! Our program is designed and built weekly by Abigail Guerrero, a renowned weightlifting coach who specializes in training children and junior athletes. With her expertise, our …

Guerriers Beyond Lifting club investing in the future of its athletes with new equipment

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisGuerriers Beyond Lifting, a weightlifting club based in Montreal, recently invested $2400 in new equipment for its athletes. The equipment purchased includes a women’s competition bar from Eleiko, 10×10 kg plates, 4×5 kg plates, and 4x 2.5kg plates. Having adequate equipment is crucial for training athletes to reach their full potential. In Olympic …

PARIS 2024 – Horaires, lieu et tarifs disponibles !

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishLa billetterie pour les Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 ouvrira bientôt ! Les horaires, le lieu et les tarifs sont disponibles en ligne sur le site web officiel ! Les sessions d’haltérophilie (voir auront lieu à l’aréna Paris Sud 6 du 7 au 11 août avec des prix variant entre 24 et 180 …

Invited by the weightlifting association of the state of Nuevo Leon A.C.

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisWe are pleased to announce that the club Guerriers Beyond Lifting is invited to the first edition of the Christmas Cup. A weightlifting event organized by the Weightlifting Association of the state of Nuevo Leon in conjunction with the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Nuevo Leon. The event will take …

Une commandite de 1100$ de Myriam Dupont !

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishToute l’équipe de Guerriers Beyond Lifting remercie énormément notre membre Myriam Dupont pour sa commandite de 1 100 $ au club ! Myriam a participé à la campagne de levée de fond dit “moitié-moitié” ! Elle a prit la décision de donner toute la somme récoltée au club ! C’est grâce à la …

Athletes continue to improve and are increasingly tested by CCES

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisAthletes continue to perform in competitions and silence the gossip through the many negative tests done randomly by the Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport (CCES) before & after competition and during training. During the North American Open in Calgary (17-18 of September), Brayan Ibanez-Guerrero (LPS), Rosalie Dumas and Quentin Patault (LPS) had …

New Sinclair coefficients available

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisThe new Sinclair coefficients are available through the Alberta Weightlifting Federation, a member of the Canadian Weightlifting Federation. 2021-2024 – Female Sinclair chart 2021-2024 – Male Sinclair chart 2021-2024 – Sinclair coefficients Thank you to Mike Miller, president of the Ontario weightlifting association who provided the documents.Les nouveaux coefficients Sinclair sont disponibles grâce …

Merci à The French Shop

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishNous souhaitons remercier The French Shop pour son support financier aux athlètes Brayan Ibanez-Guerrero et Emily Ibanez-Guerrero, tous deux ambassadeurs de Guerriers Beyond Lifting. Le conseil d’administration tient notamment à remercier son président et fondateur, Martin Archambault, sans qui rien de tout cela n’aurait été possible. Brayan se prépare actuellement pour un camp …

Merci à CrossFit Tarvos pour l’accueil

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishUn gros merci à CrossFit Tarvos, LA box de Bourges, et Raphaël Despré pour avoir accueilli notre athlète Quentin Patault dans le cadre de sa préparation au championnat des clubs niveau N1 avec le club ASPTT Strasbourg. Très grande box avec une belle zone d’haltérophilie. Avis à nos membres, si vous jamais vous …