North American Open Series 2

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Compétition / Competition

North American Open Series 2 à Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

North American Open Series 2 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Most important infos

  • Résultats officiels / Official results
  • Retransmission / Streaming
  • Horaire / Schedule
    • Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello | Plateforme blanche / White platform
      • Date : 16/09/2022
      • Pesée / Weigh-in : 12:00 PM EST
      • Compétition / Competition : 14:00 PM EST
    • Emily Ibanez-Guerrero | Plateforme blanche / White platform
      • Date : 16/09/2022
      • Pesée / Weigh-in : 14:00 PM EST
      • Compétition / Competition : 16:00 PM EST
    • Brayan Ibanez-Guerrero & Quentin Patault | Plateforme rouge / Red platform
      • Date : 17/09/2022
      • Pesée / Weigh-in : 14:00 PM EST
      • Compétition / Competition : 16:00 PM EST
    • Rosalie Dumas | Plateforme rouge / Red platform
      • Date : 18/09/2022
      • Pesée / Weigh-in : 12:00 PM EST
      • Compétition / Competition : 14:00 PM EST
  • Liste de départ / Start-list

Competition infos

  • Registration
    Registration and credential pickup for athletes, coaches, technical officials, media and VIPs initially opens at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15, and closes at 7 p.m. that day. During the duration of the competition (Sept. 16-18), it will open one hour before the first that day’s first session and close at the start time of the day’s final session ;
  • Tickets
    Tickets are not necessary and entry is free for spectators ;
  • Training Hall
    The training hall is for athletes only. It opens at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15, and closes at 8 p.m. that day. During the three days of competition, it opens at the start of the day’s first session (not prior to) and closes at the start time of that day’s final session ;
  • Verification of Final Entries
    Verification of final entries occurs from 10-10:30 a.m. MT / 12-12:30 p.m. ET on Monday, Sept. 12. Athletes and coaches can join during that window at Any change requests emailed to prior to that deadline will be manually made by USAW staff ;
  • Weigh-Ins
    All athletes over the age of 18 must bring a valid driver’s license or passport to weigh-ins. Minors (those under 18) must bring their state-issued ID or birth certificate and be accompanied by an adult; minors also must weigh in in a singlet ;
  • Warmup Area
    The warmup area will have a similar look to what debuted at the 2022 USA Weightlifting National Championships Week in July. The warmup area (six platforms per competition platform) is out front, next to the competition platform with no curtains surrounding it; a rendering is attached to this email. Coaches who have athletes lifting on multiple platforms during the same session are kindly asked to move from platform to platform behind the LED boards/banners ;
  • Food
    Onsite dining options include concession stands, which will be open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m ;
  • Access
    Registered athletes will be allowed to assist teammates in the warmup area. Parents of athletes who are minors (younger than 18) can enter the warmup area with a completed SafeSport certification and a parent wristband. Coaches must be registered, have a complete background check, SafeSport certificate, USADA training and USA Weightlifting certification ;
  • Check Scale
    A check scale will be available at the meet venue (7 Chiefs Sportsplex) and the check scale room opens at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15 ;
  • Awards
    Gold, silver and bronze medals for the snatch, clean & jerk and total will be announced and distributed immediately following each A session at the awards area. Athletes will receive six-for-six wristbands at the end of their session, provided they have made each of their lifts. Medals will be awarded to the top three adaptive athletes, based on Sinclair. Best Lifter awards will be granted at the end of the event. Team awards will also be announced and given to the top three teams.

General infos

Registration infos


Pour plus d’informations, contacter nous à

For more information, contact us at

Paiement / Payment

Le paiement doit être fait en ligne !

Payment must be made ­online!

The event is finished.


15 - 18 Sep 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm



More Info

IWF Calendar




Seven Chiefs Sportsplex & Jim Starlight Centre
Tsuut'ina Nation, Tsuut’ina Nation, 19 Bullhead Rd, AB T3T 0E1


Canadian Weightlifting Federation
Canadian Weightlifting Federation

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