Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.Results | Official results | Quebec Louis-Cyr records Two of Guerriers Beyond Lifting’s most promising young athletes, Emily Ibanez-Guerrero and Damien Persico, delivered standout performances at the Quebec Louis-Cyr competition for youth athletes, held on April 6, 2024, at École secondaire des Montagnes. The event, co-organized by the Husky Weightlifting Club and the …
Results of Brayan and Emily at the Andalusian championships
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.September 8, 2023 / AthletesFrançaisEnglishLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla …
Silver Success: Fiona Gervais and Emily Ibanez-Guerrero Excel at Junior Nationals
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.June 15, 2023 / EventsFrançaisEnglishLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla …
Ivy, Emily & Brayan ready for the Youth world championships
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisThe best young weightlifting athletes will compete soon at the Youth World Championships in Durres, Albania ! Among them are Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello and Emily Ibanez-Guerrero from the Guerriers Beyond Lifting club and Brayan Ibanez-Guerrero from the LPS club. These athletes will be coached by Abigail Guerrero-Gonzalez, a certified Level 3 Canadian weightlifting …
Ivy and Emily rewarded by the club for their incredible performance!
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisThe Guerriers Beyond Lifting club is a high performance weightlifting club that has recently rewarded two of its young athletes, Emily Ibanez-Guerrero and Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello, for their outstanding performance during the season 2021-2022. Both Emily and Ivy are 12 years old and are aiming for the Olympics in their respective weight categories …
Emily, best female athlete
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisArticle | Results | Photos/Videos As we mentioned in our previous article on Sinclair’s overall ranking of Emily and Ivy at the Louis-Cyr tournament, Emily received the trophy for the competition’s top female athlete with a Sinclair of 236.156 and 513.443 Robi points! During this event, at 11 years old, Emily (-55 kg) …
Emily and Ivy in the top 10 best athletes
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishArticle | Résultats | Photos/Vidéos Après analyse de l’ensemble des résultats du tournoi Louis-Cyr & championnat junior du Québec, quel que soit la catégorie d’âge ou de poids corporel, Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello et Emily Ibanez-Guerrero se classent dans le top 10 des meilleurs athlètes de cette journée de compétition ! Ivy-Marie se classe …
Emily Ibanez-Guerrero
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishVoici Emily Ibanez-Guerrero, @emilyibanez1886, l’une des jeunes filles la plus forte au monde. Elle soulève probablement beaucoup plus que vous à 11 ans et à 55 kg de poids corporel. Ce que vous voyez est un épaulé-jeté de 88 kg effectué au North American ouvert à Calgary en septembre. Elle a récemment validé …
Merci à The French Shop
Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishNous souhaitons remercier The French Shop pour son support financier aux athlètes Brayan Ibanez-Guerrero et Emily Ibanez-Guerrero, tous deux ambassadeurs de Guerriers Beyond Lifting. Le conseil d’administration tient notamment à remercier son président et fondateur, Martin Archambault, sans qui rien de tout cela n’aurait été possible. Brayan se prépare actuellement pour un camp …
Le Collège Français commandite Emily !
About the AuthorBeyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishAvec les performances récentes d’Emily Ibanez-Guerrero, le Collège Français a décidé d’offrir à Emily le même avantage au niveau des frais de scolarité que son frère Brayan. Elle est donc maintenant commanditer à 100% par le Collège. Merci à la direction du Collège Français !With the recent performances of Emily Ibanez-Guerrero, the …
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