Masters athletes shine at local competition

Guerriers Beyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisThe Guerriers Beyond Lifting club, based in Montreal, has reason to celebrate after a successful showing at a local weightlifting competition held in Lachute on March 11th, 2023. The competition was jointly organized by CrossFit Lachute and the weightlifting club Force vive, providing an excellent opportunity for athletes to showcase their skills. Several …

Compétition locale Force vive

Compétition Master competition organized by the Force vive club in Lachute. Allows athletes to record a total for the Pan Am Masters. Schedule Group 1: 11 women Weight-in: 10h Competition: 12h Group 2 : 9 men < 81 kg Group 3 : 12 men > 89 kg Weight-in group 2&3: 11h Competition group 2&3 : After group 1 Contact For …

Re-Prise 2018

Le Championnat Junior du QC 2018 est une compétition d’haltérophilie organisée par la fédération québecoise dans les locaux de l’école international du Phare.