Beyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.Results | Official results | Quebec Louis-Cyr records Two of Guerriers Beyond Lifting’s most promising young athletes, Emily Ibanez-Guerrero and Damien Persico, delivered standout performances at the Quebec Louis-Cyr competition for youth athletes, held on April 6, 2024, at École secondaire des Montagnes. The event, co-organized by the Husky Weightlifting Club and the Quebec …
Ivy and Emily rewarded by the club for their incredible performance!
Beyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisThe Guerriers Beyond Lifting club is a high performance weightlifting club that has recently rewarded two of its young athletes, Emily Ibanez-Guerrero and Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello, for their outstanding performance during the season 2021-2022. Both Emily and Ivy are 12 years old and are aiming for the Olympics in their respective weight categories – …
Emily, best female athlete
Beyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisArticle | Results | Photos/Videos As we mentioned in our previous article on Sinclair’s overall ranking of Emily and Ivy at the Louis-Cyr tournament, Emily received the trophy for the competition’s top female athlete with a Sinclair of 236.156 and 513.443 Robi points! During this event, at 11 years old, Emily (-55 kg) broke …
Emily and Ivy in the top 10 best athletes
Beyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishArticle | Résultats | Photos/Vidéos Après analyse de l’ensemble des résultats du tournoi Louis-Cyr & championnat junior du Québec, quel que soit la catégorie d’âge ou de poids corporel, Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello et Emily Ibanez-Guerrero se classent dans le top 10 des meilleurs athlètes de cette journée de compétition ! Ivy-Marie se classe à …
5 records broken at the Louis-Cyr tournament
Beyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisResults | Photos/Videos | Official results In our previous post, we announced the objectives for this Louis-Cyr Tournament/QC Junior Championship. Today, we are pleased to reveal those who have been reached! Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello, 12 yo, is at her 38th competition with our club. She was eight (8) years old when she started weightlifting. …
Nine young athletes will compete at the Louis-Cyr/Junior Tournament in QC
Beyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisCheck the results! On December 3, it’s a big team that will leave for Lachute for the Louis-Cyr tournament and the championship Quebec Junior with our coach Abigail Guerrero, @coachabigail. List of athletes for the Louis-Cyr tournament: Damien Persico | -45 kg / 11 years | 30/37/67 Mirko Persico | -45 kg / 9 …
Un nouveau gabarit pour les records québécois
About the AuthorBeyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishGabarit records | Gabarit liste Élite-Relève Un nouveau gabarit pour les records québécois permettant d’identifier rapidement les détenteurs des records, les athlètes les plus performants ainsi que les plus vieux records. Il n’y a qu’à rentrer les records et le reste se fait automatiquement. Malheureusement, le conseil d’administration de la Fédération d’Haltérophilie …
Six fois, les records Louis-Cyr sont tombés !
About the AuthorBeyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishRésultats | Records | Photos Le 4 décembre, nous avions cinq athlètes qui compétitionnaient au tournoi Louis-Cyr/championnat junior du Québec. La journée fut riche en succès puisque la jeune équipe menée par Abigail Guerrero et Ciro Ibanez termine avec 12 médailles d’or, 3 médailles d’argent et 4 nouveaux records Louis-Cyr ! C’est …