Samedi 23rd took place the Quebec Masters Championship 2019 at Ecole du Phare in Sherbrooke. The Canadian CrossLifting Federation presented a total of 6 athletes with our technical director, Ciro Ibanez ! We were the witness of a lot of good performance from them ! Here are the results for our women ! Abigail Guerrero is recovering from her injury …
AMH #3 – Jeux du Québec régionaux Montréal – MON et Jeux du Sud-Ouest de Montréal
The Giants of Montreal club organizes a weightlifting competition on February 2, 2019, the AMH 3, for children, juniors, seniors and masters!
Le Journal de Montréal sur nos championnes !
Article du Journal de Montréal sur nos deux athlètes, Isabelle Gauthier & Abigail Guerrero devenues championnes du monde d’haltérophilie maîtres à Barcelone, Espagne cette année !Voir l’article !