Monterrey’s Christmas Cup showcases top canadian weightlifting talent

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The Christmas Cup, held in Monterrey, Mexico from December 16th to 18th, was a highly successful event for the athletes and coaches who participated. Organized by the Weightlifting Association of the state of Nuevo Leon in conjunction with the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Nuevo Leon, the competition took place at the Weightlifting gymnasium of the Niño Héroes park.

Guerriers Beyond Lifting received a few months ago an invitation for coaches Abigail Guerrero and Ciro Ibanez to bring their athletes to this competition.

All the athletes performed exceptionally well and had a great time, with many of them setting personal records in their respective categories and taking home a total of 21 gold medals.

Fiona Gervais (-59 kg category) led the way with three gold medals, winning the snatch, clean and jerk, and total categories with a 56 kg snatch (+3 kg PR) and a 76 kg clean and jerk (+3 kg PR). Mirko Persico (-32 kg category) and Damien Persico (-32 kg category) also had impressive showings, with Mirko snatching 27 kg (+1 kg PR) and clean and jerking 32 kg (+1 kg PR) to take home three gold medals, and Damien snatching 29 kg and clean and jerking 35 kg for an additional three golds. Emily Ibanez-Guerrero (-55 kg category) and Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello (-40 kg category) also each won three gold medals, while Daniela Millin (-40 kg category) and Sasha Millin (-44 kg category) rounded out the team's medal haul with three golds and one silver and bronze, respectively.

Only two weeks after the Tournoi Louis-Cyr where Emily broke the clean and jerk and total Louis-Cyr records, she increased again her personnal records with a 73 kg snatch, a 93 kg clean and jerk for a total of 166 kg !

But the competition wasn't the only highlight of the trip. Organized by the club through contacts in Mexico, the Christmas Cup provided a valuable opportunity for the athletes to meet new people, compete in a different setting, and stay motivated in their training. The organization of the trip was managed by volunteers, and the Guerriers Beyond Lifting club helped to partially cover the costs.

Looking ahead, Emily and Ivy are now preparing for the Youth World Championship, while Brayan is getting ready for the Panamerican Championship. All the athletes are dedicated and determined, and it's clear that events like the Christmas Cup are an effective way to keep them motivated and focused on their goals. With a total of 21 gold medals and strong showings from all the athletes, the team can be proud of their accomplishments at the Christmas Cup and look forward to continued success in the future.