Emily Ibanez-Guerrero Breaks Records at Quebec Louis-Cyr

Results | Official results | Quebec Louis-Cyr records
Two of Guerriers Beyond Lifting’s most promising young athletes, Emily Ibanez-Guerrero and Damien Persico, delivered standout performances at the Quebec Louis-Cyr competition for youth athletes, held on April 6, 2024, at École secondaire des Montagnes. The event, co-organized by the Husky Weightlifting Club and the Quebec Weightlifting Federation, saw Emily and Damien not only surpass their personal records but also set new benchmarks in the competition's history.
Damien Persico: A Rising Star in the Making
At just 12 years of age, Damien Persico showcased a remarkable display of skill and determination. Competing in the -45 kg category, despite weighing only 35.36 kg and facing a competitor up to 10 kg heavier, Damien managed to improve his best clean and jerk by 3 kg, successfully lifting 56 kg. He also achieved a snatch of 43 kg, bringing his total to 99 kg—a personal best and an overall increase of 3 kg.
Damien’s efforts earned him three silver medals. When comparing ratios (BW/Weight lifted), Damien has the best snatch and clean and jerk ratios in his category.
Emily Ibanez-Guerrero: Setting New Records
Emily Ibanez-Guerrero, aged 13 and competing in the -64 kg category, has proven herself as a force to be reckoned with. Weighing at only 60.35 kg, Emily improved her snatch record by 1 kg, reaching an impressive 85 kg. She stunned the competition with an impressive 110 kg clean and jerk, contributing to a new personal and Louis-Cyr record total of 195 kg.
She set new Louis-Cyr records for the -64 kg category in the snatch and the clean and jerk. Emily has also the clean and jerk and total Louis-Cyr records in the -55 kg category done at a previous competition.
Emily won her category with three gold medals, finishing an impressive 80 kg ahead of the second-place competitor. She also was the top female athlete of the event with a Sinclair score of 256.552, nearly 55 points ahead of her closest competitor.
Check the Quebec Louis-Cyr official records

Both athletes are coached by Abigail Guerrero, who has been instrumental in refining their techniques and competitive strategies. Under her guidance, Emily and Damien have not only improved their technical skills but also their mental resilience and competitive spirit.