New sponsor : Fruiterie Milano

The Canadian Crosslifting Federation would like to thank the company “Fruiterie Milano” for it’s financial support to our sport organization. This donation will help improve the training conditions for Crosslifting’s child athletes. “Fruiterie Milano” is an Italian grocery store located at 6862 St-Laurent (Petite Italie) Montreal. It is the first Italian specialty supermarket in Quebec. It was founded by Vincezo …

Compétition Internationale La Coruna

Compétition internationale en Espagne toutes catégories. Concerne seulement les athlètes sélectionnés. Frais de compétitions : 75$ (compétition internationale) * 3 (nombre de jours) + 20 (frais d’administration) = 245$ / athlète Résultats

New sponsor : The French Shop

The Canadian Crosslifting Federation would like to thank the company The French Shop for it’s financial support to our sport organization. This donation will help improve the training conditions for Crosslifting’s child athletes. The French Shop is located at 6560 ave de l’Esplanade. It is a marketing company specialized in Quebec and in rest of the french Canada. Their goal …

Weightlifting Training Camp #7

During the weekend of April 20 and 21, the Canadian Crosslifting Federation had it’s seventh training camp at CrossFit Guerriers. Supervised by our two internationally renowned coaches, Ciro Ibanez and Abigail Guerrero, this camp was a unique opportunity for our participants to discover weightlifting. This event took place over two days. On the first day, the main focus was on …

Coupe Guerriers #4

Le CrossLifting Open 4 est une compétition d’haltérophilie organisée par le club haltérophilie Guerriers dans ses locaux.

Weightlifting Training Camp #7

The training camp Come to perfect your technique, to understand the methods of training or even to discover weightlifting with our coaches Ciro Ibanez, Abigail Guerrero and guests during this training camp organized by the Weighlifting Club Guerriers ! We will separate the participants according to their levels. There are no restrictions regarding age (children, juniors, seniors and masters)! The …

Weightlifting training camp for children #1

The training camp The Weightlifting Club Guerriers will host during the march break (4th to 8th of march) a weightlifting training camp for children only under the supervision of our coaches Ciro Ibanez and Abigail Guerrero ! Groups will be made according to the level of the participants. Lunch and snacks will be the responsibility of the parents. The training …

American Weightlifting Training Camp #1

From January 17th to January 19th, there will be a training camp with athletes from the United States. The training camp will last a week.

CrossLifting Open #3

Le CrossLifting Open 3 est une compétition d’haltérophilie organisée par le club haltérophilie Guerriers dans ses locaux.

Weightlifting Training Camp #6

Friday, February 15, Saturday, February 16 and Sunday, February 17 will be a 3-day training camp led by coaches Ciro Ibanez and Abigail Guerrero.