Breaking weightlifting records: Emily and Brayan Ibanez Guerrero’s Triumph in Spain

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.Results | Official results Montreal, Canada – The prestigious Sub-15/Sub-17/Junior Weightlifting Championships in Spain witnessed stellar performances from Montreal’s own Guerriers Beyond Lifting athletes, Brayan and Emily Ibanez Guerrero, this past weekend. Brayan Ibanez Guerrero’s Triumph in the -81 kg Category At just 17 years old, Brayan Ibanez Guerrero showcased his remarkable talent …

Sasha and Emily: Rising in Quebec’s Junior Ranks

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.Results | Official results Lachute, December 9th – The Quebec Junior Championships give us remarkable performances of two young athletes from the Guerriers Beyond Lifting weightlifting club, under the expert guidance of their coach, Abigail Guerrero. Sasha Millin’s Bronze medals In the -55 kg category, 13-year-old Sasha Millin competed with determination. Weighing in …

Results of Brayan and Emily at the Andalusian championships

Brayan & Emily Ibanez Guerrero, and Abigail Guerrero at the Andalousia junior championships in Spain.

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.September 8, 2023 / AthletesFrançaisEnglishLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla …

Silver Success: Fiona Gervais and Emily Ibanez-Guerrero Excel at Junior Nationals

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.June 15, 2023 / EventsFrançaisEnglishLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla …

Emily, best female athlete

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisArticle | Results | Photos/Videos As we mentioned in our previous article on Sinclair’s overall ranking of Emily and Ivy at the Louis-Cyr tournament, Emily received the trophy for the competition’s top female athlete with a Sinclair of 236.156 and 513.443 Robi points! During this event, at 11 years old, Emily (-55 kg) …

Emily and Ivy in the top 10 best athletes

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishArticle | Résultats | Photos/Vidéos Après analyse de l’ensemble des résultats du tournoi Louis-Cyr & championnat junior du Québec, quel que soit la catégorie d’âge ou de poids corporel, Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello et Emily Ibanez-Guerrero se classent dans le top 10 des meilleurs athlètes de cette journée de compétition ! Ivy-Marie se classe …

5 records broken at the Louis-Cyr tournament

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisResults | Photos/Videos | Official results In our previous post, we announced the objectives for this Louis-Cyr Tournament/QC Junior Championship. Today, we are pleased to reveal those who have been reached! Ivy-Marie Buzinhani Brustello, 12 yo, is at her 38th competition with our club. She was eight (8) years old when she started …

Nine young athletes will compete at the Louis-Cyr/Junior Tournament in QC

Beyond Lifting Approved by the board of directors.EnglishFrançaisCheck the results! On December 3, it’s a big team that will leave for Lachute for the Louis-Cyr tournament and the championship Quebec Junior with our coach Abigail Guerrero, @coachabigail. List of athletes for the Louis-Cyr tournament: Damien Persico | -45 kg / 11 years | 30/37/67 Mirko Persico | -45 kg / …

Un nouveau gabarit pour les records québécois

About the AuthorBeyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishGabarit records | Gabarit liste Élite-Relève Un nouveau gabarit pour les records québécois permettant d’identifier rapidement les détenteurs des records, les athlètes les plus performants ainsi que les plus vieux records. Il n’y a qu’à rentrer les records et le reste se fait automatiquement. Malheureusement, le conseil d’administration de la Fédération d’Haltérophilie …

Six fois, les records Louis-Cyr sont tombés !

About the AuthorBeyond LiftingApproved by the board of directors.FrançaisEnglishRésultats | Records | Photos Le 4 décembre, nous avions cinq athlètes qui compétitionnaient au tournoi Louis-Cyr/championnat junior du Québec. La journée fut riche en succès puisque la jeune équipe menée par Abigail Guerrero et Ciro Ibanez termine avec 12 médailles d’or, 3 médailles d’argent et 4 nouveaux records Louis-Cyr ! C’est …